2 Person Desk Size – Chock Full Of Popular Examples!

There are two primary considerations that you will have when purchasing a 2 person desk. How much 2 person desk space you need and how much space you have available in the room. This article brings you some epic 2 person desk size cheat sheets of 20 best-selling double desks.

This way, you can gauge what sizes are available and which one suits you best! So, stay tuned!

If you’re in a hurry, here is a site I recommended for office equipment with lifetime guarantee!

2 person desk size                                             

How big is a 2 person desk?

Generally, the average surface area of a double workstation table is 2048.85 in2. The average depth range of double workstation desks is between 18.89 – 47.2 inches. The average depth desk is 23.38 inches. The width of double workstation desks is between 47.2 – 95.5 inches. This equates to an average width of 78.02 inches. However, width ultimately depends on the type of double desk. Height won’t vary greatly between 2 person desks for the desk itself. However, since some double desks feature shelving, this can lead to the actual desk height ranging between 23.6 – 60.2 inches.

The size of a desk is an important factor to consider, however, it’s even more of a consideration if you are going to be sharing the desk with someone else. The size of your 2 person desk can negatively affect your performance and comfort! So how big should a double desk be and how much space can you afford in the room?

Included below are easy to follow size comparison tables with dimensions of 20 popular 2 person desks. I have also included some other desk options if the idea of sharing doesn’t appeal to you! Read on to find out more – your comfort and performance relies on it!

A standard office desk measures 48-inches wide by 30-inches deep. Source

2 Person Desk Size - Large 2 person desk in office

How wide should a 2 person desk be?

The width of a 2 person desk should be at least 48 inches wide with a minimum of 24 inches of work space for each individual. The depth of the desk should be at least 24 inches. A desk of this size will allow for limited activities, such as using a laptop, keyboard and mouse. Generally, most desks for 2 people have a starting width of 47.2 inches. If monitors are required, the desk depth should be increased to about 28 inches and the width should be at least 63 inches per person.

The below table shows a list of 20 popular 2 person desk weight capacities sorted based on lowest to highest size.

Name of 2 person deskType of 2 person deskArea (Square Inches)
Tribesigns Industrial L-Shaped DeskReversible L-shaped desk1710
GZTGZMWG L-Shaped DeskL-shaped desk1784
TIYASE 78.7 inch Double Computer DeskStraight desk1794.36
Tribesigns T Shaped Two Person DeskT-shaped desk1812.76
HOMCOM Two Person Computer DeskReversible L-shaped desk1824.31
Soges 2 Person Home Office DeskStraight desk1857.32
DlandHome Double Computer DeskStraight desk1857.32
Tribesigns Two Person DeskStraight desk1859.84
Bestier L Shaped Desk with ShelvesReversible L-shaped desk1890.90
Tribesigns Two Person Computer DeskStraight desk1985.95
HOMCOM Extra Long 2-Person DeskStraight desk2073.88
Ailaah Double Office DeskDouble sided desk2227.84
Aukfa 2 Person Computer DeskDouble sided desk2227.84
Saibaiyee Extra Large Computer DeskDouble sided desk2227.84
Home Office Extra Large Computer DeskDouble sided desk2227.84
Tribesigns White Desk with HutchStraight desk2231.62
Tribesigns Computer Desk with HutchStraight desk2231.62
Nexera Liber-T Home OfficeT-shaped desk2259.07
Sedeta 94.5 inches Computer DeskT-shaped desk2314.38
Bizzoelife L Shaped Large Corner DeskReversible L-shaped desk2578.4

Related: How To Choose A Folding Desk – 7 Simple Steps!

What size are straight 2 person desks?

The average surface area of a straight 2 person desk is 1986.49 in2. They tend to have a width range between 78.7 – 94.48 inches. The depth of a small 2 person desk ranges from 21.65 – 23.62 inches.

The below table shows some popular straight 2 person desk dimensions sorted based on lowest to highest desk surface area.

Name of 2 person deskDepth (Inches)Width (Inches)Height (Inches)Area (Square Inches)
TIYASE Double Computer Desk22.878.735.41794.36
Soges 2 Person Home Office Desk23.678.730.11857.32
DlandHome Double Computer Desk23.678.723.61857.32
Tribesigns Two Person Desk23.6278.7429.521859.84
Tribesigns Two Person Computer Desk21.6591.7360.621985.95
HOMCOM Extra Long 2-Person Desk23.588.25552073.88
Tribesigns White Desk with Hutch23.6294.4853.152231.62
Tribesigns Computer Desk with Hutch23.6294.4853.152231.62

What size are double sided desks?

The average surface area of a double sided 2 person desk is 2227.84 in2. They tend to have a width and depth of 47.2 inches. These are the largest type of sharable desk.

The below table shows some popular double sided 2 person desk dimensions.

Name of 2 person deskDepth (Inches)Width (Inches)Height (Inches)Area (Square Inches)
Ailaah Double Office Desk47.247.227.82227.84
Aukfa 2 Person Computer Desk47.247.2292227.84
Saibaiyee Extra Large Computer Desk47.247.2292227.84
Home Office Extra Large Computer Desk47.247.2292227.84

Related: 2 Person Desk Weight Capacity – 16 Popular Examples & Tips!

What size are L-shaped 2 person desks?

The average surface area of a L-shaped 2 person desk is 1957.52 in2. They tend to have a width range between 66.09-95.5 inches. The depth of a medium 2 person desk has a marginal range between 18.89 – 29.3 inches. L-shaped 2 person desks are the smallest sharable desk on average.

The below table shows some popular L-shaped 2 person desk dimensions sorted based on lowest to highest desk surface area.

Note that when you get the dimensions from a website, merely multiplying depth by width won’t give you the true work surface area.

Fortunately for you, I went to the bother of calculating it so you can know what desk surface area you can expect to have!

Also bear in mind that if there’s a curved corner on the L-shaped desk, it will mean that there is slightly less surface area available.

Name of 2 person deskDepth (Inches)Width (Inches)Height (Inches)Area (Square Inches)
Tribesigns Industrial L-Shaped Desk2471.2529.51710
GZTGZMWG L-Shaped Desk18.8966.0929.531784
HOMCOM Two Person Computer Desk19.758339.51824.31
Bestier L Shaped Desk with Shelves19.895.5291890.90
Bizzoelife L Shaped Large Corner Desk29.38829.32578.4

Related: 2 Person Desk Weight – 20 Great Examples & Helpful FAQs!

What size are T-shaped 2 person desks?

The average surface area of a large 2 person desk is 2128.74 in2. They tend to have a width ranging between 94.48 – 95 inches. The depth of a large 2 person desk ranges from 19.68 – 21.6 inches.

The below table shows some popular T-shaped 2 person desk dimensions sorted based on lowest to highest desk surface area.

The below includes the surface area of the middle T section which is usually a bit of extra desk space.

Name of 2 person deskDepth (Inches)Width (Inches)Height (Inches)Area (Square Inches)
Tribesigns T Shaped Two Person Desk19.6894.4829.51812.76
Nexera Liber-T Home Office19.89529.81881
Sedeta 94.5 inches Computer Desk21.694.5302314.38

Tip: You could considering decorating the desk for a his and hers theme to suit each person.

Related: Pros And Cons Of Sharing A Home Office + Surprising Insights


The size of the double workstation desk is a key component that everyone needs to consider. Even more so if you need to share it with someone else!

Double sided desks tend to offer the most surface area for working on, followed by T-shaped desks and straight double desks. L-shaped desks offer the least work surface space for sharing.

Therefore, if you require a desk with plenty of area to work and share, a double-sided desk is probably the way to go!

If you both intend to work simultaneously on the 2 person desk, then the size should be more carefully analyzed.

Choosing a desk that’s too small could lead to difficult work situations and it might even need to be returned!

On the other hand…

Choosing a double workstation desk that’s too large might mean it won’t fit properly in the room.

Always choose a 2 person desk in a larger size than you need. But make sure to measure the space!

Fortunately, using the above cheat sheet tables along with the pointers listed in this article will propel you towards choose the perfect desk first time around!

Here’s my recommendation if you’re not sure where to get top quality and affordable furniture with a lifetime guarantee. Good luck finding anywhere else that offers such a long warranty!


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