How to maintain anti-fatigue mats – 12 easy tips

Anti-fatigue mats can encounter a significant amount of wear and tear, depending on the type of environment that they are in. Learn how to maintain anti-fatigue mats with these 12 easy tips that are guaranteed to increase the lifespan of your anti-fatigue mat.

How to maintain anti-fatigue mats

Anti-fatigue mat mats will work better and last longer if they are cleaned and maintained. Follow the below 12 tips to help increase the lifespan of your anti-fatigue mat.

1. Clean the mat regularly.

2. Use appropriate cleaning substances.

3. Use appropriate cleaning materials.

4. Clean the area that the anti-fatigue mat is being used in.

5. Use the appropriate mat for the environment.

6. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive substances around the mat.

7. Keep flammable materials away from the mat.

8. Wear appropriate footwear when standing on the anti-fatigue mat.

9. Avoid placing or rolling objects over the anti-fatigue mat.

10. Store the anti-fatigue mat in a dry place with an ambient room temperature.

11. Move the anti-fatigue mat out of the way when it is not in use if there is traffic in the area.

12. Avoid storing the mat in direct sunlight.

How to maintain anti-fatigue mats - Man standing on Muvmat

Clean the mat regularly

Avoid allowing debris, dirt and dust to accumulate around or on the fatigue-reducing mat. If there are objects, such as stones or pebbles, which could pierce the anti-fatigue mat, ensure that they are removed sooner rather than later.

Ultimately, the frequency that you cleaned the mat will be based on how dirty the environment that you work in is along with the cleaning regime of the office you work in.

This also means cleaning away grease or moisture from the area to ensure adequate grip is maintained.

Cleaning could simply be a matter of giving the mat a quick sweep a few times a day or even every week.

While soap and water will typically remove the majority of the dirt, some residue or persistent stains may still remain which cannot be removed with the likes of a cloth or brush.

Deep clean should be performed on a less frequent basis and when such stains persist. Source

Use appropriate cleaning substances

Anti-fatigue mats are primarily made from a rubber material which are prone to damage from stronger abrasive chemicals. For the majority of stains or dirt, a mild soap and water should be sufficient to remove dirt from them.

Other materials that can damage the anti-fatigue mat include oil-based cleaning agents, solvents and those which have a strong acidic or basic value.

Use appropriate cleaning materials

Appropriate cleaning agents are not all that you need to consider, the cleaning materials that you use should also be assessed to ensure they don’t damage the mat.

Coarse brushes or sharp objects used to clean, scrub or scrape away dirt can easily puncture and scratch the surface of your anti-fatigue mat.

Instead opt for a cloth to remove the excess dirt. If additional materials are required, such as brushes to get into awkward angles, opt for brushes that have soft bristles to minimize the risk of scratches to the mat.

Clean the area that the anti-fatigue mat is being used in

In addition to cleaning the anti-fatigue mat itself, the area that the mat is placed in along with the surrounding area should also be cleaned regularly. Ideally, the mat should be placed on a newly cleaned surface or carpet.

All objects which could pierce or damage the mat should be removed.

The area around the mat should be cleaned as frequently as the anti-fatigue mat itself. This prevents moisture, dirt and liquids becoming lodged underneath your mat and causing it to degrade or slip.

How to maintain anti-fatigue mats - Vacuum hose

Use the appropriate mat for the environment

There are various types of anti-fatigue mats designed to accommodate different industries and workplaces. Whether you work in a kitchen, welding workshop, production line or simply work from an office, there are mats designed to cater to these areas.

Obviously, if you are working in environment where there are hygiene requirements or hot substances, the mat needs to be capable of withstanding those agents.

There are anti-fatigue mats available which are flame retardant. Some of them feature a PVC top surface. This may be more suitable to an industrial environment where welding activities or flammable materials are present.

Environments which are wet or oily need to have a stronger slip resistance built into them. This often takes the form of non-slip grid matting. They also tend to be perforated to allow water or oil build up.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive substances around the mat

As was previously stated, chemicals can damage the surface of the anti-fatigue mat. However, it is also important to consider the materials and chemicals that are used in the vicinity of the anti-fatigue mat which can also pose a risk to the integrity of the mat.

This could be particularly true for the likes of a lab where chemicals are being handled throughout the day.

If you need a mat which is likely to be exposed to chemicals, it would be best to invest in chemical resistant mat.

Keep flammable materials away from the mat

If there are flammables in the area and they come into contact with your rubber mat, they can not only catch fire, but also spread and emit toxic fumes while burning.

Fortunately, there are flame retardant anti-fatigue mats that can prevent this occurring.

Wear appropriate footwear when standing on the anti-fatigue mat

Fatigue-reducing mats tend to have a sponge-like structure which is liable to becoming damaged by sharp objects or compressed force, such as from footwear.

Avoid wearing high heels or even shoes that have a sharp edge on the sole of the shoe. Going barefoot is an alternative option which can eliminate this risk altogether.

Excessive force can lead to tears and piercing of the mat, so the likes of knives and sharp objects should also be avoided in the area.

How to maintain anti-fatigue mats - Muvmat by aeris anti-fatigue mat sock

Avoid placing or rolling objects over the anti-fatigue mat

So, can you put a chair on an anti-fatigue mat? Well, it may be tempting instead of moving the anti-fatigue mat out of the way to roll or place equipment and objects on it. For example, this may sound appealing to people who work at an office desk and are in a rush when they want to pull their chair over to their desk.

Compressing the anti-fatigue mat with the legs or casters of an office chair or other objects can distort the shape of the mat and damage the material.

Avoid this by moving the mat out of the way when it is not required.

Alternatively, you can invest in a fatigue-reducing mat that can be moved by simply placing your foot on a designated area on the mat and pushing it to the required area. I’ll link to one down below.

Store the anti-fatigue mat in a dry place with an ambient room temperature

The mat should be stored flat as opposed to rolling or folding them. This can cause them to lose their shape. It also contributes to damaging the integrity of the mat.

Plus, nobody wants a mat that has edges which curl up and potentially create a trip hazard.

Furthermore, areas with a high volume of traffic can run the risk of damage by passersby. Move the anti-fatigue mat out of the way when it is not in use if there is traffic in the area.

Avoid storing the mat in direct sunlight

Placing the mat in direct sunlight can cause discoloration and also introduce excess heat on the mat which can interfere with the materials. Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided.

Check the care guidelines for the mat at to determine if it can be positioned in the sun.

Do anti-fatigue mats wear out?

Anti-fatigue mats experience wear and tear due to factors including frequency of use, type of material, quality of mat, environment they are positioned in, usage style, type of footwear worn, temperature, and the amount of care provided for the mat.

Fatigue-reducing mats that are constantly used on an assembly line could be expected to wear out faster than someone using a fatigue-reducing mat at an office desk.

How long do anti-fatigue mats last?

Anti-fatigue mats should be expected to last at least 1 – 3 years, provided that they are positioned in an appropriate environment, are good quality and used correctly.

I queried the support team at Flexispot as to how long do anti-fatigue mats last; they stated that their anti-fatigue mats can last up to at least 3-5 years, but it depends on how customers use it.

Manufacturers should offer guidance and information in terms of how to care for your fatigue reducing mat.


By following these simple steps, you can significantly prolong the life of your anti-fatigue mat. Let’s face it, they’re not the cheapest accessory out there, so you probably can think of much better things to spend your money on instead of having to purchase another standing anti-fatigue mat.

If you are on the market for a new mat, then purchasing a mat with a lifetime guarantee is a smart move. My personal recommendation for a fatigue reducing mat with a lifetime warranty is the Safco Movable Anti-Fatigue Mat. I love that you can easily slide it in and out with your foot, and that it has beveled edges which makes it easier to clean.

Choosing the appropriate anti-fatigue mats for the environment that you work in can significantly increase the lifespan of a mat. I disclose some insider tips and tricks on what to look for in a fatigue-reducing mat so that you can evade pain and discomfort while also extending the life of your mat. If you want to know how, then go check out: How to choose an anti-fatigue mat – 16 essential factors

I hope that this website will help you on all topics related to your home office and your work area. That said, if you have any queries or comments on the above or anything in general, please drop them in the box below. I would be delighted to hear from you!


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